Diabetes Awareness [Level 1]
Accredited training
Experienced Trainers
Flexible training options
Hello and welcome! My name is Kelly, and I’m one of the Directors here at MK Medical.
I’m excited to walk you through the Diabetes Awareness [Level 1] Course, explaining what it covers, who it’s designed for, what’s included, how it's delivered, and why MK Medical is the right choice for you.
If you still have any questions after this, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me or one of our fantastic team members. We’re here to help!
With diabetes becoming the fastest-growing health threat in the UK, it’s essential to have a solid understanding of the condition, especially when caring for others. Diabetes can be life-threatening if emergencies are not recognised and managed swiftly. Don’t let someone suffer from a preventable tragedy on your watch—know how to identify the signs and take the right actions in critical situations.
This diabetes training equips staff with the knowledge to distinguish between Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes, understand how each type is managed, and recognise signs of emergencies. Additionally, it covers the complications associated with diabetes and teaches appropriate responses to diabetic crises, ensuring that you are prepared to act swiftly and effectively.